The Survey Comments

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Comment #4: On Working as a White Female with Indians?

I am a white female working in IT, as a QA contractor. I have observed, since 2008, full-scale replacement of white/domestic employees with lower-wage, less-skilled Indians on a regular basis. I contracted with HCL, and I could not help but notice all other IT employees were Indian. I f

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Comment #3: On the Indian Caste System Placing Blacks on the Bottom?

As an African American the racism I have faced from Indians is by far the worst I have ever had. The caste system which they practice deems Black people as the lowest. Additionally what companies are doing is using the ethnic quota system and filling it with Indians.

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Comment #2: On The Need to Get Congress Involved?

I'm glad you have published this article. I have experienced everything in it. I have a lot of difficulties finding employment because it is not a fair playing field. Too many Americans believe the lies told in Congress. Please help do more to influence Congress and companies to stop these d

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Comment #1: On Working With Indians?

They are very racist. Horrible to work for. Very disrespectful to women. Liars. Very condescending. Nice if you can do something for them. But fake.

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Comment #36: Increase in Workplace Conflict?

Being a Muslim from South Asia I experienced this firsthand. I would report this in writing in my annual review. My Indian manager would re-write my reviews. I worked for a very large stock exchange and so I’m sure if the tapes are pulled you can find this. There have been several cases where Ind

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Comment #37: Chased Out of IT by Indians

I have been chased out of several IT jobs in the last 6 years, from groups of Indians falsifying stories to my superior - which lead to my resignation. I have been in IT for more than 35 years. My experience level is expert... and the Indians I worked with have barely a high school education, with ve

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