I very much agree with everything that is referenced in your article. You have summed up brilliantly everything I have witnessed, known, and felt at the workplace for the past few years. The only issue I did not see covered in your article (which is beyond the scope of the article) is “Data Privacy Laws”. It does not give me comfort to know that, US, European, Canadian, and Australians IT companies (amongst others) are keeping our private and personal data on servers located overseas. Those servers are administered in countries whose governments do not necessarily adhere to our western privacy laws. This is a huge deal. In summary, the US IT corporation immigration lobbying must be brought under control, and the H1-B Visa System has to be reformed, not to negatively impact the US workers. Further, the H1-B allocation system needs to change to allow for a more global distribution and not be focused on workers from one country, i.e., India. I very much like what the current Administration has done in the past 3 years with denying more of the new H1-B visa applications and renewals. I hope they continue to do that. Thank you again for an honest and well-substantiated article.
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