My work team has grown to be 75% Indian. I have never seen anything like this. One team member is an Indian who knows basically nothing about the role he was hired to fulfill; without wanting to sound cruel I must say he is unintelligent. I found it very strange because my interview process wasn't easy. My interview process included a face to face interview where I had to write code on a white board, explain my thought process, etc. I am skilled in my field and I have significant experience so I was happy to earn the job. Recently five more Indians hired were all hired without onsite face to face interviews and they are undoubtedly NOT highly skilled professionals. This is all new to me and I'm kinda freaking out, I'm walking the hallways and there are Indians everywhere, why can't we give these jobs to Americans? And why only Indians? And what's going to happen to lil' ol' me? It's freaking bizarre! I read something on this site referring to Indian recruiters taking over U.S. tech recruiting, that's so true and scary too, I get 4 to 5 emails everyday from Indian recruiters and only Indian recruiters and the jobs are for positions nowhere near me, they are really bad recruiters. My current contract position which was through an American recruiter and I was so happy to hear from an American because I was dealing with nothing but Indian recruiters who have questionable skill sets and are difficult to understand much like my co-workers. It's super duper weird and it happened so quickly it seems. I don't have the answer. God Bless America.
This is the survey on Indian IT discrimination. This mini-site is broken down into just a few tabs.