First of all, I'm considered a minority, Thirty or so years ago I enrolled in school to earn a degree in computer science. I thought my degree would be a ticket to a better life, but unfortunately, it has been heartaches and hell in between periods that i was actually employed. Being a minority it is especially difficult to land one of these jobs(IT) but with Indian companies taking over the hiring and recruitment process, it has become extremely difficult. Not only are you traditionally discriminated against because you are a minority, you are also discriminated against by a large foreign minority. This makes life on the job very difficult and precarious. Employers often ask "why does your resume look like Swiss cheese( you have been all over the place) ?. They erroneously assume that you are some type of trouble maker that can't keep a job, when the real problem is subtle and inexorable discrimination and "goody goody" policies that are used to make it appear as if you are not a valuable employee. No matter how hard you work and produce for the company.
This is the survey on Indian IT discrimination. This mini-site is broken down into just a few tabs.