Indians Infiltrating Multiple Areas?
Unfortunately, it isn't just IT they have infiltrated and made developed countries reliant on their manpower. In Australia and Singapore, its f&b, IT, professional services, medicine, etc. If they can get a job in any developed country of their choice, they get in and pave the way to bring in their dependents (who also take jobs away from locals), parents (free childcare), and relatives.No Attempts at Integration?
There also has been a superficial level or no attempts at integration made by such waves of immigrants as they seek to form their communities.Must Speak Hindi?
Many jobs also require Indian languages like Hindi not because clients are in the Indian market but because staff cannot speak English at a functional level. Even language proficiency degrees are faked.Cheating Academically?
They get into local universities (another entry path for settling in the developed countries) such that 25% of uni placements go to foreigners, predominantly to Indians in Singapore. It is pretty hard to believe a domestic graduate is underqualified or less skilled than an Indian from an unrecognized university (some are tuition colleges run by self-proclaimed tutors...another domestically run Indian scam). Honestly, these universities aren't ranked in the top 100. They are not even full-fledged universities in some instances, and they produce the most highly skilled labor? You've got to be kidding me.India's Real Strategy
India's strategy is exporting its manpower to developed countries through trade deals that allow India-favourable intercompany transfers and lack of tariffs (easier for them to import their goods into the American market for their consumption). The entitlement and arrogance they exhibit in a host country are unbelievable. Past waves of immigrants had diffidence and a willingness to integrate. What bothers me is, can a domestic worker change things on an individual level? Do we build communities of our own to perpetuate the very unmeritocratic way of hiring and work practices to gain our foothold in industries overtaken? Governments and corporates don't want to hear us.Indians to Start Yet Another Scam?
I would love to see more on what the domestic worker can do. But not in the public domain. The Indian worker will merely use that to start a new scam! I have such a deep distrust of Indians it is toxic to have that negativity without a sustainable solution at the worker level. Thanks for taking the time to write this article.
This is the survey on Indian IT discrimination. This mini-site is broken down into just a few tabs.