I know there are way more Indians working now than when I began contracting IT work back in 2003. Also, I know they all seem to believe SQL is a required computer language to know and most egregious is their common idea that everything is to be memorized memorized memorized. They are the least creative lot I have worked with! Mostly nice people but it's as if they must be automatons just like the machinery they workaround. And they all seem to bow down to the god of speed. Speed in speaking. too fast to be understood so it becomes impossible to work with them unless you are one of them. Speed in processing almost as if they must match the speed of the machinery they work on. It is a mania with many of them. The main take-away I have regarding Indians in IT and recruiting in the US/globally is simply they are taking over everywhere and their Indian culture is gradually but certainly supplanting western American and European people whether intentionally or not, it seems to be the result. I would like to add that America isn't doing anything to combat it.
This is the survey on Indian IT discrimination. This mini-site is broken down into just a few tabs.